
Before you visit
We ask that everyone sign a Liability Waiver either before they get here (see below) or at the front desk. Yes, even if you don't bring Fido we still ask that you sign one. You will only have to sign this waiver once. From then on we will keep it on file for you. This is to help ensure everyone has a fun and safe time.
We pride ourselves on the safety of our field. For that reason, everyone who goes into the field must be 16+. The Taproom and Patio areas are open to customers of all ages. Some exceptions may be made by the Bark Ranger.
Leashes are required AT ALL TIMES when you are in the taproom or on the patio area. Dogs are allowed off leash in the Park area only.
Dogs must have:
Be at least 4 months old
All dogs must have either a Day Pass or Monthly/Yearly membership
Spayed or neutered (no exceptions)
*Fully vaccinated - please have these available at your first visit
Must play well with others
If you come in without vaccine records or your dog is fully intact, you can still enjoy a cold beverage and a hot meal in the Taproom or Patio area, but Fido must remain on a leash.
*Current vaccination records are required before entry into the dog park.
Digital or paper copies are acceptable.
All dogs must be at least 4 months old and spayed or neutered.
(Rabies, Parvo, Canine Influenza*, Distemper, Bordetella)
*Canine Influenza recommended but not required